Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shell Script Creating a Talking Alarm Clock on Ubuntu

A Beginners Shell Scripting tutorial

This tutorial was an idea to put a talking alarm clock together using shell script in Ubuntu. It plays mp3, Uses festival as a text to speech engine. It reads time correctly, and weather based off of weather station near you. It pulls weather info via weather-util from and then just choose your location for ID. Also Gradually increases volume. Uses two files alarm1 in home directory, and wakeup-volume in /usr/local/bin

I developed this as a fun project that would help anyone to learn some simple shell scripting.

code for Alarm #

sleep 3

killall wakeup-volume
$PLAYER -loop 1 "$SONG"
sleep 5
echo "Good Morning, I hope you slept good and I hope you have a great day" | festival --tts

echo "The time is $HR $MIN" | festival --tts

# Created by Glenn Weber <>

# This script is released under the GPL v 2 as is. 
# I accept no liability if you choose to use it. 
# If you choose to improve my script, and make 
# your changes public, you must do the following: 
# 1. include my comments. 
# 2. identify yourself, 
# 3. note your changes under these comments. 
# 4. provide contact information 

# Set up a variable to hold the current minute
# of the hour using the date command:
MIN=$(date +"%M")

# And another to hold the current Hour:
HR=$(date +"%l")

# Use a case statement to change the minute
# number to the equivalent word, but make the
# zero minute "o'clock". Handle all sixty minutes
# of the hour so this works correctly for any time.

case $MIN in
"00") MIN="o'clock";;
"01") MIN="Oh - one";;
"02") MIN="Oh - two";;
"03") MIN="Oh - three";;
"04") MIN="Oh - four";;
"05") MIN="Oh - five";;
"06") MIN="Oh - six";;
"07") MIN="Oh - seven";;
"08") MIN="Oh - eight";;
"09") MIN="Oh - nine";;
"10") MIN="ten";;
"11") MIN="eleven";;
"12") MIN="twelve";;
"13") MIN="thirteen";;
"14") MIN="fourteen";;
"15") MIN="fifteen";;
"16") MIN="sixteen";;
"17") MIN="seventeen";;
"18") MIN="eighteen";;
"19") MIN="nineteen";;
"20") MIN="twenty";;
"21") MIN="twenty one";;
"22") MIN="twenty two";;
"23") MIN="twenty three";;
"24") MIN="twenty four";;
"25") MIN="twenty five";;
"26") MIN="twenty six";;
"27") MIN="twenty seven";;
"28") MIN="twenty eight";;
"29") MIN="twenty nine";;
"30") MIN="thirty";;
"31") MIN="thirty one";;
"32") MIN="thirty two";;
"33") MIN="thirty three";;
"34") MIN="thirty four";;
"35") MIN="thirty five";;
"36") MIN="thirty six";;
"37") MIN="thirty seven";;
"38") MIN="thirty eight";;
"39") MIN="thirty nine";;
"40") MIN="forty";;
"41") MIN="forty one";;
"42") MIN="forty two";;
"43") MIN="forty three";;
"44") MIN="forty four";;
"45") MIN="forty five";;
"46") MIN="forty six";;
"47") MIN="forty seven";;
"48") MIN="forty eight";;
"49") MIN="forty nine";;
"50") MIN="fifty";;
"51") MIN="fifty one";;
"52") MIN="fifty two";;
"53") MIN="fifty three";;
"54") MIN="fifty four";;
"55") MIN="fifty five";;
"56") MIN="fifty six";;
"57") MIN="fifty seven";;
"58") MIN="fifty eight";;
"59") MIN="fifty nine";;
*) echo "error with minute $MIN" | festival --tts;;

# Use another case statement to do the following:
# Use the echo command to assemble the output
# text for the current time statement, change the
# number for the current hour to the equivalent
# word, and pipe the result to festival.

case $HR in
" 1") echo $INTRO "one, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 2") echo $INTRO "two, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 3") echo $INTRO "three, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 4") echo $INTRO "four, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 5") echo $INTRO "five, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 6") echo $INTRO "six, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 7") echo $INTRO "seven, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 8") echo $INTRO "eight, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
" 9") echo $INTRO "nine, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
"10") echo $INTRO "ten, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
"11") echo $INTRO "eleven, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
"12") echo $INTRO "twelve, $MIN" | festival --tts;;
*) echo "error with hour $HR and minute $MIN" | festival --tts;;

sleep 1

echo "The current temperature is " | festival --tts
weather-util -i KUZA | grep Temperature | cut -c16-19 | festival --tts;
echo "degrees outside and" | festival --tts
weather-util -i KUZA | grep Sky | cut -c19-35 | festival --tts;
sleep 2
echo "why don't you enjoy some more music" | festival --tts
sleep 5

killall wakeup-volume
$PLAYER -loop 1 "$SONG"

sleep 3


code for wakeup-volume #


for ((i = 35; i <= 100; i++)) do
/usr/bin/amixer sset Master playback $i%
sleep .5

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